Welcome to my brand new website!! A place for me to put everything I ever do!
From music, to art, to video games, to whatever!! If I do something, It'll probably be on here!!

Look! It's a picture of me!!

More cool facts!

Right now, I'm just finishing up my studies at university. And then.... I don't know.. I'm hoping to maybe get a job at a small game studio or something after a while but I think I'm just gonna chill for a bit first!
Over the summer I'm hoping to work on a few small little projects I've been cooking up and get my name out there!
I'd also like how to learn how to code a little bit better, since I kinda suck at that right now...
I've been watching Adventure Time with my friend recently for the first time and I've been really enjoying it!! We have 5 episodes to go and we're dying to see how it ends!
I'm thinking of opening music commissions over the summer too. I think it'd be a nice way to make money and have fun while also diversifying my portfolio!
If you want to hear my stuff, check out my newest song below!

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